25 Aralık 2010 Cumartesi
OL-55 On-Line Tensiometer
By continuously measuring surface tension, the OL-55 monitors the level of surface active chemical additives in water-based process liquids. Based on the information from the measurement the operator can either manually dose chemicals into the process or the optional auto-dosing system can be used.On-line tensiometerContinuous monitoring of surface tension and other parameters, including pH, temperature, and conductivity, in various process liquids for optimising the dosing of chemicalsRugged design for factory applicationsFully automatic computer controlled operationPatented technologyBenefitsEliminates overdosing of surfactants - reducing costsControls processes - improves efficiency and qualityReduces waste and improves yieldImproves environmental controlExtends chemical lifetime in processesSpecificationsSurface tension measuring range20 to 80 mN/mResolution0.1 mN/mUpdate time for liquid3 minutes from change in process liquidTemperature measuring range (optional)15 to 85°CpH measuring range (optional)2 to 14Flow rate18 l/hSelf-cleaning filterStandard 100 μm (others by request)Voltage100-240 V (automatic) 50/60 HzPower consumpiton< 60 WFuses315 mADimensions544 x 428 x 236 mm (H x L x D)Optional featuresOn-line pH monitoringOn-line conductivity monitoringOn-line process temperature measurementAutomatic dosing of surfactants and clean water based on measurement data
coriolis flow meter
Coriolis meters are becoming ever more popular as some companies are using the technology as a complete solution for Coriolis flow, density, and even concentration measurement. Newer Coriolis meter technologies can handle measurements even in entrained gas conditions. Flow and density go hand in hand with this technology . Many coriolis meters now offer High precision, basic measurement, hygienic, compact, high pressure, high temperature, drainable with density output options.
Corioilis flowmeters are used in a wide range of applications in the oil and gas /petrochemical , food industry and general industries due to their ability to measure mass flow.
Corioilis flowmeters are used in a wide range of applications in the oil and gas /petrochemical , food industry and general industries due to their ability to measure mass flow.
20 Aralık 2010 Pazartesi
Kobold Messring GmbH
Kobold Messring GmbH, established in 1980, is one of the leading international instrumentation engineering enterprises known for its patentable technology, high quality products and superior service. The Kobold brand name is synonymous with quality and technological advance.
The company offers battery-powered digital pressure gauges with LCD display, analogue output 1 adjustable limit contact option: analogue output 0-2 housing; PA, glass fibre strengthened; Model. MAN-SD; pressure ranges: -1 to 0 bar; 0 to 600 bar. Housing diameter: 74 mm; tmax: 70ºC; overload protection: x 1.5; connection: G ½ male, stainless steel; accuracy: ±0.5 per cent of full scale.
17 Aralık 2010 Cuma
Money Web
In een kort overzicht vind u hier de verschillende leenvormen. Voor de alle duidelijkheid staan hier de verschillen in het kort opgesomd.
RekenvoorbeeldDe familie De Vries wil een lening aanvragen voor de verbouwing van de badkamer. Voor deze verbouwing willen ze € 5000,00 lenen. De familie De Vries wil zekerheid wat betreft de maandelijkse rente en wil tussentijds geen geld meer opnemen. Ze kiezen daarom voor een persoonlijke lening.
Jan en Anita willen meer financiële bestedingsruimte. Tussentijds willen ze geld kunnen opnemen. Wanneer er meer geld beschikbaar is, willen ze ook de mogelijkheid hebben om meer af te lossen. Ze kiezen voor een doorlopend krediet.
Lening vormen
Doorlopend kredietWat is een doorlopend krediet?Een doorlopend krediet is er om over langere periode meer bestedingsruimte te hebben. U mag steeds geld opnemen tot aan de kredietlimiet, maar u mag ook minder opnemen.
Tussentijds mag er altijd zonder boete worden afgelost. Dit krediet is handig wanneer u nog niet exact weet hoeveel geld u nodig heeft of wanneer u het geld nodig heeft. U betaald elke maand een vast bedrag aan rente en aflossing.
Voordelen:- Alleen rente betalen over het opgenomen bedrag- Tussentijds extra geld aflossen (boetevrij)- Meestal een eigen bankpas
Oversluiten van een doorlopend krediet:U heeft een lening of misschien wel meerdere leningen lopen. Het is dan vaak voordeliger om uw huidige krediet(en) over te sluiten. In plaats van verschillende afschriften, komt alles dan op één handig overzicht.
Tussentijds een extra krediet afsluiten:Wanneer u geen achterstand hebt opgelopen met betalen en uw financiële situatie laat het toe, is het mogelijk om een nieuwe lening af te sluiten voordat de vorige is afgelopen. Een deel van het bedrag dat u leent, wordt dan gebruikt voor de aflossing van de vorige overeenkomst(en).
Verhogen doorlopend kredietHet kan voorkomen dat naast uw doorlopend krediet nog behoefte is aan een extra financiële reserve. U kunt er dan voor kiezen om het bestaande krediet open te breken en vervolgens uw krediet te verhogen.
Persoonlijke lening
Wat is een persoonlijke leningBij de persoonlijke lening krijgt u in één keer de beschikking over het geleende bedrag. Wanneer u een persoonlijke lening afsluit, weet u precies wanneer de lening eindigt. U spreekt namelijk van tevoren een looptijd af. Zo spreekt u bij een persoonlijk krediet eenmalig een leenbedrag en een looptijd af. U krijgt dit bedrag in één keer op uw rekening gestort. Vervolgens betaald u maandelijks een vast bedrag aan rente en aflossing. In tijden van rentestijgingen biedt een persoonlijk krediet u zekerheid, want uw rente blijft ongewijzigd! Zo weet u precies waar u aan toe bent.Bent u van plan een nieuwe auto of caravan te kopen? Of wordt het tijd voor nieuwe meubels? Wellicht heeft u hiervoor gespaard, maar is het genoeg? Wanneer u extra geld nodig heeft, maar graag overzicht houdt in uw financiën, is een persoonlijke lening voor u een oplossing!
Voordelen:- Uitbetaling direct ineens- Vast rentepercentage- Vast maandbedrag- Vaste looptijd
Vaste renteWanneer de rente stijgt is een persoonlijke lening ideaal. Mocht de rente stijgen, dan heeft dit geen enkele invloed op de persoonlijke lening. Deze rente blijft ongewijzigd.
Stel u koopt een auto. Bij een persoonlijke lening spreekt u van tevoren af wat de looptijd van de lening is. U kunt deze lening bijvoorbeeld afstemmen op de levensduur van uw auto. Hierdoor voorkomt u dat de auto al is afgeschreven, maar u nog steeds moet betalen aan uw persoonlijke lening.
Een spaarkrediet is een doorlopend krediet, gekoppeld aan een kapitaalverzekering.
Doorgaans betaald u voor een doorlopend krediet maandelijks een bedrag aan rente en aflossing. Bij een spaarkrediet betaald u echter alleen rente, die wordt berekend over het bedrag dat u heeft opgenomen. Gedurende de gehele looptijd kunt u tot uw kredietlimiet bedragen blijven opnemen.Daarnaast betaald u een maandelijkse premie voor een kapitaalverzekering.Met deze verzekering kunt u een kapitaal opbouwen om de lening af te lossen.Dit gebeurt met een kapitaalverzekering bij een gerenommeerde verzekeringsmaatschappij. De uitkering is gelijk aan de eindwaarde van de participaties en dus afhankelijk van de koersontwikkeling.
Een rentekrediet is een leenvorm voor particulieren die veel lijkt op een doorlopend krediet. Het grootste verschil is dat men bij een rentekrediet niet verplicht wordt om maandelijks af te lossen. Daardoor is het rentekrediet de leenvorm met de laagste maandlast. Deze leenvorm wordt ook vaak gebruikt om geld achter de hand te hebben, zoals bij een verbouwing of restauratie van bijvoorbeeld een oldtimer of ander duur verzamelobject. De looptijd van een rentekrediet is in principe oneindig. U lost immers niets af en betaald alleen rente. Ingezetenen van Nederland van 18 tot 65 jaar met een vast inkomen, wat niet mag bestaan uit een uitkering van de sociale dienst of de WW, kunnen in aanmerking komen voor een rentekrediet.
Moneyweb.nl is in het leven geroepen om als bemiddelaar in geldkredieten informatie te geven aan consumenten op het gebied van hypotheken en leningen. Hierbij wil Moneyweb.nl de consument helpen juiste en verantwoorde keuzes te maken bij het afsluiten van een lening of hypotheek.
Wij worden beloond door aanbieders op basis van doorlopende provisie voor wat betreft consumptief krediet en uit een mix van afsluit- en doorlopende provisie betreffende hypotheken en verzekeringsproducten. Bij eventuele klachten kunt u ons een brief sturen ter attentie van de Directie. Voor onverhoopte geschillen zijn wij aangesloten bij Klachteninstituut Financiële Dienstverlening.Moneyweb in English
RekenvoorbeeldDe familie De Vries wil een lening aanvragen voor de verbouwing van de badkamer. Voor deze verbouwing willen ze € 5000,00 lenen. De familie De Vries wil zekerheid wat betreft de maandelijkse rente en wil tussentijds geen geld meer opnemen. Ze kiezen daarom voor een persoonlijke lening.
Jan en Anita willen meer financiële bestedingsruimte. Tussentijds willen ze geld kunnen opnemen. Wanneer er meer geld beschikbaar is, willen ze ook de mogelijkheid hebben om meer af te lossen. Ze kiezen voor een doorlopend krediet.
Lening vormen
Doorlopend kredietWat is een doorlopend krediet?Een doorlopend krediet is er om over langere periode meer bestedingsruimte te hebben. U mag steeds geld opnemen tot aan de kredietlimiet, maar u mag ook minder opnemen.
Tussentijds mag er altijd zonder boete worden afgelost. Dit krediet is handig wanneer u nog niet exact weet hoeveel geld u nodig heeft of wanneer u het geld nodig heeft. U betaald elke maand een vast bedrag aan rente en aflossing.
Voordelen:- Alleen rente betalen over het opgenomen bedrag- Tussentijds extra geld aflossen (boetevrij)- Meestal een eigen bankpas
Oversluiten van een doorlopend krediet:U heeft een lening of misschien wel meerdere leningen lopen. Het is dan vaak voordeliger om uw huidige krediet(en) over te sluiten. In plaats van verschillende afschriften, komt alles dan op één handig overzicht.
Tussentijds een extra krediet afsluiten:Wanneer u geen achterstand hebt opgelopen met betalen en uw financiële situatie laat het toe, is het mogelijk om een nieuwe lening af te sluiten voordat de vorige is afgelopen. Een deel van het bedrag dat u leent, wordt dan gebruikt voor de aflossing van de vorige overeenkomst(en).
Verhogen doorlopend kredietHet kan voorkomen dat naast uw doorlopend krediet nog behoefte is aan een extra financiële reserve. U kunt er dan voor kiezen om het bestaande krediet open te breken en vervolgens uw krediet te verhogen.
Persoonlijke lening
Wat is een persoonlijke leningBij de persoonlijke lening krijgt u in één keer de beschikking over het geleende bedrag. Wanneer u een persoonlijke lening afsluit, weet u precies wanneer de lening eindigt. U spreekt namelijk van tevoren een looptijd af. Zo spreekt u bij een persoonlijk krediet eenmalig een leenbedrag en een looptijd af. U krijgt dit bedrag in één keer op uw rekening gestort. Vervolgens betaald u maandelijks een vast bedrag aan rente en aflossing. In tijden van rentestijgingen biedt een persoonlijk krediet u zekerheid, want uw rente blijft ongewijzigd! Zo weet u precies waar u aan toe bent.Bent u van plan een nieuwe auto of caravan te kopen? Of wordt het tijd voor nieuwe meubels? Wellicht heeft u hiervoor gespaard, maar is het genoeg? Wanneer u extra geld nodig heeft, maar graag overzicht houdt in uw financiën, is een persoonlijke lening voor u een oplossing!
Voordelen:- Uitbetaling direct ineens- Vast rentepercentage- Vast maandbedrag- Vaste looptijd
Vaste renteWanneer de rente stijgt is een persoonlijke lening ideaal. Mocht de rente stijgen, dan heeft dit geen enkele invloed op de persoonlijke lening. Deze rente blijft ongewijzigd.
Stel u koopt een auto. Bij een persoonlijke lening spreekt u van tevoren af wat de looptijd van de lening is. U kunt deze lening bijvoorbeeld afstemmen op de levensduur van uw auto. Hierdoor voorkomt u dat de auto al is afgeschreven, maar u nog steeds moet betalen aan uw persoonlijke lening.
Een spaarkrediet is een doorlopend krediet, gekoppeld aan een kapitaalverzekering.
Doorgaans betaald u voor een doorlopend krediet maandelijks een bedrag aan rente en aflossing. Bij een spaarkrediet betaald u echter alleen rente, die wordt berekend over het bedrag dat u heeft opgenomen. Gedurende de gehele looptijd kunt u tot uw kredietlimiet bedragen blijven opnemen.Daarnaast betaald u een maandelijkse premie voor een kapitaalverzekering.Met deze verzekering kunt u een kapitaal opbouwen om de lening af te lossen.Dit gebeurt met een kapitaalverzekering bij een gerenommeerde verzekeringsmaatschappij. De uitkering is gelijk aan de eindwaarde van de participaties en dus afhankelijk van de koersontwikkeling.
Een rentekrediet is een leenvorm voor particulieren die veel lijkt op een doorlopend krediet. Het grootste verschil is dat men bij een rentekrediet niet verplicht wordt om maandelijks af te lossen. Daardoor is het rentekrediet de leenvorm met de laagste maandlast. Deze leenvorm wordt ook vaak gebruikt om geld achter de hand te hebben, zoals bij een verbouwing of restauratie van bijvoorbeeld een oldtimer of ander duur verzamelobject. De looptijd van een rentekrediet is in principe oneindig. U lost immers niets af en betaald alleen rente. Ingezetenen van Nederland van 18 tot 65 jaar met een vast inkomen, wat niet mag bestaan uit een uitkering van de sociale dienst of de WW, kunnen in aanmerking komen voor een rentekrediet.
Moneyweb.nl is in het leven geroepen om als bemiddelaar in geldkredieten informatie te geven aan consumenten op het gebied van hypotheken en leningen. Hierbij wil Moneyweb.nl de consument helpen juiste en verantwoorde keuzes te maken bij het afsluiten van een lening of hypotheek.
Wij worden beloond door aanbieders op basis van doorlopende provisie voor wat betreft consumptief krediet en uit een mix van afsluit- en doorlopende provisie betreffende hypotheken en verzekeringsproducten. Bij eventuele klachten kunt u ons een brief sturen ter attentie van de Directie. Voor onverhoopte geschillen zijn wij aangesloten bij Klachteninstituut Financiële Dienstverlening.Moneyweb in English
13 Aralık 2010 Pazartesi
golf Resort

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Buy rounds of golf at the Clickit Rate Prices listed on the site.Prices is based solely on available inventory and rates set by affiliate golf courses. Once purchased, a golf voucher will appear on the current page for you to print and a confirmation sent to your email address. All golf vouchers will be valid for 30 days after purchase date and include green fee plus cart.PLEASE NOTE: Due to the special pricing offered by the golf courses, ALL SALES AT CLICKITGOLF.COM ARE FINAL. If you are unable to finish your round due to inclement weather, any rain checks shall be issued by the golf course in accordance with their specific rain-check policy. If for some reason, a voucher cannot be used within the stated expiration period, please contact Clickitgolf.com via e-mail (support@clickitgolf.com) or phone 888-820-4847 for assistance with your voucher.You must call the golf course and schedule your tee time based on current availability. You can reserve tee times in advance based on golf course policies; however, you must inform the golf course that you will be using a Clickitgolf voucher for your round.Getting the Best Prices at the Best Courses is as easy as the push of a buttonLogin with Username and Password.Search for Golf Course and Information.Select a Course and Day To Play.Choose a Day and the Number of Rounds.Buy Your Round.Print Golf Voucher and Call Course to Reserve Tee Time.
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In the early days, a trained skydiver (or jumper) and a group of associates meet at an isolated airport, sometimes referred to as a "drop zone." A fixed base operator at that airport usually operates one or more aircraft, and takes groups of skydivers up for a fee. It was common for an individual jumper to go up in a Cessna light aircraft such as C-172 or C-185. These days, it is common for busier DZ's near populated areas to use multiple, larger aircraft such as the Cessna Caravan C208 or DeHavilland Twin Otter DHC6.
A typical jump involves individuals jumping out of an aircraft (usually an airplane, but sometimes a helicopter or even the gondola of a balloon), travelling at approximately 4,000 meters (around 13,000 feet) altitude, and free-falling for a period of time before activating a parachute to slow the landing down to safe speeds.
Once the parachute is opened, (usually the parachute will be fully inflated by 2,500 ft). the jumper can control his or her direction and speed with "steering lines," with hand grips called "toggles" that are attached to the parachute, and so he or she can aim for the landing site and come to a relatively gentle stop in a safe landing environment. All modern sport parachutes are self-inflating "ram-air" wings that provide control of speed and direction similar to the related paragliders. Purists in either sport would note that paragliders have much greater lift and range, but that parachutes are designed to absorb the stresses of deployment at terminal velocity.
By manipulating the shape of the body—as a pilot manipulates the shape of his aircraft's wings—a skydiver can generate turns, forward motion, backwards motion, and even lift. Experienced skydivers will tell someone that in freefall, one can do anything a bird can do, except go back up.
Skydivers generally do not experience a "falling" sensation due to the fact that the resistance of the air to their body at speeds above about 50 MPH provides some feeling of weight and direction. At normal exit speeds for aircraft (approx 90 MPH) there is little feeling of falling just after exit, but jumping from a balloon or helicopter can create this sensation. They reach terminal velocity (around 120 mph (190 km/h) for belly to Earth orientations, 150-200 mph (240-320 km/h) for head down orientations) and are no longer accelerating towards the ground. At this point the sensation is as of a hard wind. When they leave the plane, their momentum from the plane causes their direction of travel to change from the direction of the airplane's flight (horizontal) to the direction pulled by the force of gravity (vertical). Skydivers call this transition period "the hill", and the amount of distance they fly with the plane due to the momentum is called "forward throw". For typical people, less than 1g of force along the body's long axis is what causes the "stomach in your throat" feeling on a roller-coaster or other amusement park rides. This is why skydivers in the armed forces are encouraged to eat a block of cheese about an hour before jumping to keep the acids from coming up in their mouths.[citation needed]
Most skydivers make their first jump with an experienced and trained instructor (this type of skydive may be in the form of a tandem skydive). During the tandem jump the jumpmaster is responsible for the stable exit, maintaining a proper stable freefall position, and activating and controlling the parachute. With training and experience, the fear of the first few jumps is supplanted by the tact of controlling fear so that one may come to experience the satisfaction of mastering aerial skills and performing increasingly complicated maneuvers in the sky with friends. Other training methods include static line, IAD (Instructor Assisted Deployment), and AFF (Accelerated Free fall) aka Progressive Free-Fall (PFF) in Canada.
At larger dropzones, mostly in the Sun Belt region of the United States, training in the sport is often conducted by full-time instructors and coaches at commercial establishments. Commercial centers often provide year-round availability, larger aircraft, and staff who are current in both their sport and their instructional skills.
In the other latitudes, where winter (or monsoons) gets in the way of year-round operation, commercial skydiving centers are less prevalent and much of the parachuting activity is carried on by clubs. These clubs tend to support smaller aircraft. Training may be offered (by instructors who are tested and certified in exactly the same way as their commercial counterparts) in occasional classes or as demand warrants. These clubs tend to be weekend only operations as the majority of the staff have full-time jobs during the week. Club members will often visit larger centers for holidays, events, and for some concentrated exposure to the latest techniques.
A typical jump involves individuals jumping out of an aircraft (usually an airplane, but sometimes a helicopter or even the gondola of a balloon), travelling at approximately 4,000 meters (around 13,000 feet) altitude, and free-falling for a period of time before activating a parachute to slow the landing down to safe speeds.
Once the parachute is opened, (usually the parachute will be fully inflated by 2,500 ft). the jumper can control his or her direction and speed with "steering lines," with hand grips called "toggles" that are attached to the parachute, and so he or she can aim for the landing site and come to a relatively gentle stop in a safe landing environment. All modern sport parachutes are self-inflating "ram-air" wings that provide control of speed and direction similar to the related paragliders. Purists in either sport would note that paragliders have much greater lift and range, but that parachutes are designed to absorb the stresses of deployment at terminal velocity.
By manipulating the shape of the body—as a pilot manipulates the shape of his aircraft's wings—a skydiver can generate turns, forward motion, backwards motion, and even lift. Experienced skydivers will tell someone that in freefall, one can do anything a bird can do, except go back up.
Skydivers generally do not experience a "falling" sensation due to the fact that the resistance of the air to their body at speeds above about 50 MPH provides some feeling of weight and direction. At normal exit speeds for aircraft (approx 90 MPH) there is little feeling of falling just after exit, but jumping from a balloon or helicopter can create this sensation. They reach terminal velocity (around 120 mph (190 km/h) for belly to Earth orientations, 150-200 mph (240-320 km/h) for head down orientations) and are no longer accelerating towards the ground. At this point the sensation is as of a hard wind. When they leave the plane, their momentum from the plane causes their direction of travel to change from the direction of the airplane's flight (horizontal) to the direction pulled by the force of gravity (vertical). Skydivers call this transition period "the hill", and the amount of distance they fly with the plane due to the momentum is called "forward throw". For typical people, less than 1g of force along the body's long axis is what causes the "stomach in your throat" feeling on a roller-coaster or other amusement park rides. This is why skydivers in the armed forces are encouraged to eat a block of cheese about an hour before jumping to keep the acids from coming up in their mouths.[citation needed]
Most skydivers make their first jump with an experienced and trained instructor (this type of skydive may be in the form of a tandem skydive). During the tandem jump the jumpmaster is responsible for the stable exit, maintaining a proper stable freefall position, and activating and controlling the parachute. With training and experience, the fear of the first few jumps is supplanted by the tact of controlling fear so that one may come to experience the satisfaction of mastering aerial skills and performing increasingly complicated maneuvers in the sky with friends. Other training methods include static line, IAD (Instructor Assisted Deployment), and AFF (Accelerated Free fall) aka Progressive Free-Fall (PFF) in Canada.
At larger dropzones, mostly in the Sun Belt region of the United States, training in the sport is often conducted by full-time instructors and coaches at commercial establishments. Commercial centers often provide year-round availability, larger aircraft, and staff who are current in both their sport and their instructional skills.
In the other latitudes, where winter (or monsoons) gets in the way of year-round operation, commercial skydiving centers are less prevalent and much of the parachuting activity is carried on by clubs. These clubs tend to support smaller aircraft. Training may be offered (by instructors who are tested and certified in exactly the same way as their commercial counterparts) in occasional classes or as demand warrants. These clubs tend to be weekend only operations as the majority of the staff have full-time jobs during the week. Club members will often visit larger centers for holidays, events, and for some concentrated exposure to the latest techniques.
Ski - Snowboard
Available for midweek arrival January 1, 2008 through end of season.
Arrive Sunday through Wednesday and stay two nights, Ski/snowboard two days at your choice of Squaw Valley USA, Alpine Meadows, Northstar, or Homewood resorts, and save up to $100 over regular pricing! Ski the same resort twice, or a different resort each day. Your choice!
Your 2 Day 2 Night Any Resort package includes:
* Two nights Sunday-Thursday in a cozy room of your choice.
* Delicious breakfast each morning.
* Two adult lift tickets per person at your choice of four different resorts.
Pick up your tickets at check-in. Please specify your choice of resort tickets on your reservation.
Arrive Sunday through Wednesday and stay two nights, Ski/snowboard two days at your choice of Squaw Valley USA, Alpine Meadows, Northstar, or Homewood resorts, and save up to $100 over regular pricing! Ski the same resort twice, or a different resort each day. Your choice!
Your 2 Day 2 Night Any Resort package includes:
* Two nights Sunday-Thursday in a cozy room of your choice.
* Delicious breakfast each morning.
* Two adult lift tickets per person at your choice of four different resorts.
Pick up your tickets at check-in. Please specify your choice of resort tickets on your reservation.
Squaw Valley Midweek Package 2 Days / 1 Nights | ||||||||||||||||
Squaw Valley USA is located at the end of a stunning alpine valley cradled by six high Sierra peaks. Site of the VIII Olympic Winter Games, Squaw Valley is one of the most talked about and sought after winter recreation destinations in the U.S. and a must visit destination for anyone that loves winter sports. Your Squaw Valley Midweek Package includes: * One night stay Sunday-Thursday in a cozy room of your choice. * Delicious breakfast. * One adult all day Squaw Valley lift ticket per person. * Free shuttle to Squaw Valley. Purchase discount Squaw tickets for your weekend stay when you make your room reservation online! |
Alpine Meadows Midweek Package 2 Days / 1 Nights | ||||||||||||||||
Alpine ranks high as one of North America’s TOP RESORTS by Skiing Magazine, SKI Magazine and Transworld Snowboarding! Living up to its reputation for offering one of Tahoe’s most unique big mountain resorts, Alpine Meadows has been included in Skiing Magazine’s 2007 Resort Guide as one of the country’s best mountains, and Transworld Snowboarding’s 2007 Resort Guide’s Top Ten for Value – Alpine ranked number 1 for best return on your cash. SKI Magazine’s Top 50 Resorts reader survey ranked Alpine among the favorites as one of ‘Tahoe’s best-kept secrets’. Your Alpine Meadows Midweek Package includes: * One night stay Sunday-Thursday in a cozy room of your choice. * Delicious breakfast. * One adult Alpine meadows lift ticket per person. Alpine lift tickets are direct to lift so you can bypass the ticket windows. Purchase Alpine tickets for weekend arrival when you reserve your room online! |
The PPG-1 Basic Training will cover the fundamentals of Powered Paragliding. You will learn to inflate the paraglider and balance the kite overhead. We'll cover the terminology, operation and preflight of the motor unit. We will practice the launch sequence on our simulator, and you will experience your first flights in a paraglider. The progress of each student is individual, and advancement towards powered flight and/or certification depends on the student's ability to master the skills necessary.
Paramotoring requires more training than regular paragliding, not less. We know that this may run contrary to what you might have read or heard elsewhere, but consider how adding 50-100 lbs of additional weight might feel when trying to kite, launch, fly and land the same paraglider might feel. The characteristics of all these are significantly more difficult, and a pilot must have a good set of basic skills to operate a paramotor safely.We want each and every pilot to become confident with their skills, so they can fly for the rest of their lives, not the rest of the week! Your relationship with your instructor will help you make the right decisions, from weather observations to equipment purchases. PPG-1 Basic Training includes the use of our state-of-the-art training equipment.

NNI Research Centers
A highly significant impact of the NNI has been the focused investment by the NNI-participating agencies in the establishment and development of multidisciplinary research and education centers devoted to nanoscience and nanotechnology. NNI agencies have developed an extensive infrastructure of over 60 major interdisciplinary research and education centers and user facilities across the country. Many such centers, with state of the art equipment for nanoscale S&T research, are designated as user facilities and are available to researchers from academia and the private sector, and to scientists at the national laboratories.
Research at Center for Functional Nanomaterials (CFN)

Centers and networks provide opportunities and support for multidisciplinary research among investigators from a variety of disciplines and from different research sectors, including academia, industry and government laboratories. Such multidisciplinary research not only leads to advances in knowledge, but also fosters relationships that enhance the transition of basic research results to devices and other applications. All agency centers and networks created under NNI auspices over the last seven years are
NNI Centers and Networks of Excellence
Government funds for nanotechnology research have created some of the most sophisticated nanoscience laboratories in the world. In addition to providing the facilities, the National Nanotechnology Initiative also has created programs to attract researchers across an array of disciplines and to facilitate discoveries.Research at Center for Functional Nanomaterials (CFN)

Centers and networks provide opportunities and support for multidisciplinary research among investigators from a variety of disciplines and from different research sectors, including academia, industry and government laboratories. Such multidisciplinary research not only leads to advances in knowledge, but also fosters relationships that enhance the transition of basic research results to devices and other applications. All agency centers and networks created under NNI auspices over the last seven years are
10 Aralık 2010 Cuma
Avaloq Banking System of favorite web sites
Avaloq Banking System of the Internet sector, I have found web sites for you. Over time, more Avaloq Banking System and other topics related to the site will find the sites. Currently, they take care of yourself
Title : Employee Scheduling Software - Automatic Online Scheduling Program:
Description : Employee Scheduling Online - Employee Scheduling the fast, easy & affordable way - unique advanced employee scheduling system keeps your employees happy and saves you time and money. Try it free.
Category : Employee Scheduling Software, Online Employee Scheduling, Staff Scheduling Software
Link : http://whentowork.com/
Title : EC Instruments - precision flow meters:
Description : Manufacturer of flow meters for precise and fast measurement of gases. Large dynamic range and advanced materials for chemical resistance.
Link : http://www.ecinstruments.com/
Title : Enablon, software solutions for QEHS Management, Governance, Risk & Compliance:
Description : Enablon is one of the world's leading providers of Corporate Responsibility and EH&S software solutions with recognized expertise in Governance, Risk & Compliance
Link : http://enablon.com/home.aspx
Title : CCIE Training UK | CCIE Voice Training and CCIE RS Training Boot Camp London:
Description : CCIE Training UK | Best ever CCIE Voice training & CCIE RS training Boot Camp UK london|By Harith (Quadruple CCIE) Pass at First Attempt!!
Link : http://www.winnetsystems.co.uk/
Title : ARC Helps Clients Get Value from Technology - Default:
Link : http://www.arcweb.com/Research/Pages/Default.aspx
Title : Mass Flow Controller, Gas and Liquid Flow Control Products by Bronkhorst High-Tech:
Description : This website presents the wide range of instruments designed and manufactured by Bronkhorst High-Tech, leaders in Mass Flow Meter / Mass Flow Controller technology for gases and liquids, Pressure Controllers and Evaporation Systems
Link : http://www.bronkhorst.com/
Title : Offshore Bank License, Bank Formation | My Banking License:
Description : My Banking License is a specialized portal aimed at helping companies to obtain their own offshore banking license and assisting them with the regulatory and bank licensing requirements for the formation of their own offshore bank.
Link : http://www.mybankinglicense.com/
Title : Stottler Henke Artificial Intelligence Software Solutions:
Description : SHAI is an artificial intelligence (AI) software development company that provides consulting and custom software development services.
Link : http://www.stottlerhenke.com/
Title : StaffLogic - Workforce Optimization Solution.:
Description : StaffLogic is a Workforce Optimization (WFO) solution that enables automation of complex workforce scheduling and work-time reporting processes.
Link : http://www.stafflogic.eu/
Title : Employee Scheduling Software - Automatic Online Scheduling Program:
Description : Employee Scheduling Online - Employee Scheduling the fast, easy & affordable way - unique advanced employee scheduling system keeps your employees happy and saves you time and money. Try it free.
Category : Employee Scheduling Software, Online Employee Scheduling, Staff Scheduling Software
Link : http://whentowork.com/
Title : EC Instruments - precision flow meters:
Description : Manufacturer of flow meters for precise and fast measurement of gases. Large dynamic range and advanced materials for chemical resistance.
Link : http://www.ecinstruments.com/
Title : Enablon, software solutions for QEHS Management, Governance, Risk & Compliance:
Description : Enablon is one of the world's leading providers of Corporate Responsibility and EH&S software solutions with recognized expertise in Governance, Risk & Compliance
Link : http://enablon.com/home.aspx
Title : CCIE Training UK | CCIE Voice Training and CCIE RS Training Boot Camp London:
Description : CCIE Training UK | Best ever CCIE Voice training & CCIE RS training Boot Camp UK london|By Harith (Quadruple CCIE) Pass at First Attempt!!
Link : http://www.winnetsystems.co.uk/
Title : ARC Helps Clients Get Value from Technology - Default:
Link : http://www.arcweb.com/Research/Pages/Default.aspx
Title : Mass Flow Controller, Gas and Liquid Flow Control Products by Bronkhorst High-Tech:
Description : This website presents the wide range of instruments designed and manufactured by Bronkhorst High-Tech, leaders in Mass Flow Meter / Mass Flow Controller technology for gases and liquids, Pressure Controllers and Evaporation Systems
Link : http://www.bronkhorst.com/
Title : Offshore Bank License, Bank Formation | My Banking License:
Description : My Banking License is a specialized portal aimed at helping companies to obtain their own offshore banking license and assisting them with the regulatory and bank licensing requirements for the formation of their own offshore bank.
Link : http://www.mybankinglicense.com/
Title : Stottler Henke Artificial Intelligence Software Solutions:
Description : SHAI is an artificial intelligence (AI) software development company that provides consulting and custom software development services.
Link : http://www.stottlerhenke.com/
Title : StaffLogic - Workforce Optimization Solution.:
Description : StaffLogic is a Workforce Optimization (WFO) solution that enables automation of complex workforce scheduling and work-time reporting processes.
Link : http://www.stafflogic.eu/
7 Aralık 2010 Salı
A range of world leading Tracerco technologies can be used to en
A range of world leading Tracerco technologies can be used to ensure your flow metering systems run at maximum efficiency.
These specialist services are used on-stream to calibrate one, two or three phase flows to confirm the accuracy of a variety of installed meters.
Areas of application include:
Measurement of gas flow rate
Measurement of water flow rate
Measurement of hydrocarbon condensate flow rate
Independent measurement of shrinkage
Technology in multiphase flow rate calibration
For many years two-phase and multi-phase flows have been common throughout the oil and gas industry. Until recently, such flows were measured by separating the flow into its constituent components in a test separator followed by conventional single phase metering techniques.
In the constant drive towards more efficient production, development has been focused away from traditional test separators towards more flexible lower cost multiphase metering. Along with these meters goes the need for periodic in-situ calibration. This has led to the development of the TRACERCO Diagnostics™ PhaseCal.
The principle of the measurement is based on the tracer dilution technique that Tracerco have been using for more than forty years. Tracerco can offer the service using either radioactive or non-radioactive tracers. In order to obtain the best quality information, each particular measurement will require subtle changes in the technique. Tracerco’s well trained staff can draw upon years of experience in this technology to ensure that the client gets the maximum amount of useful information from the tests.
These specialist services are used on-stream to calibrate one, two or three phase flows to confirm the accuracy of a variety of installed meters.
Areas of application include:
Measurement of gas flow rate
Measurement of water flow rate
Measurement of hydrocarbon condensate flow rate
Independent measurement of shrinkage
Technology in multiphase flow rate calibration
For many years two-phase and multi-phase flows have been common throughout the oil and gas industry. Until recently, such flows were measured by separating the flow into its constituent components in a test separator followed by conventional single phase metering techniques.
In the constant drive towards more efficient production, development has been focused away from traditional test separators towards more flexible lower cost multiphase metering. Along with these meters goes the need for periodic in-situ calibration. This has led to the development of the TRACERCO Diagnostics™ PhaseCal.
The principle of the measurement is based on the tracer dilution technique that Tracerco have been using for more than forty years. Tracerco can offer the service using either radioactive or non-radioactive tracers. In order to obtain the best quality information, each particular measurement will require subtle changes in the technique. Tracerco’s well trained staff can draw upon years of experience in this technology to ensure that the client gets the maximum amount of useful information from the tests.
6 Aralık 2010 Pazartesi

Housed in a building that dates back to 1780, this hotel counts amongst the oldest baroque-style guesthouses in the city. There are a total of 76 rooms including 4 suites on offer on the hotel's 3 floors and facilities include a spacious foyer with a currency exchange desk, a restaurant offering romanian specialties as well as tasty international dishes, an in-house brasserie and a sun terrace on which it is possible to kick back and relax during the summer months. Business travelers may make use of the hotel's conference facilities...
3 Aralık 2010 Cuma
Tracerco is a world leading industrial technology company providing unique and specialised detection, diagnostic and measurement solutions.
Our goal is to drive technical innovation to bring significant benefits to our customers in the petroleum industry and in the security tagging niches we serve.
Our promise to our customers is simple and clear: we can add value to your business by increasing revenue, decreasing costs and saving time by:
Improving process control and optimising overall asset performance
Determining the real time, on line conditions in a process system allowing operators to visualise flow and detect leaks, blockages or other problems
Investigating the integrity of critical plant units to avoid production losses, increasing throughput and averting environmental or safety incidents
Protect industrial products from fraudulent copying, counterfeiting or adulteration via use of our covert forensic tagging technology
Delivering training and advice on radiation protection and the operation and maintenance of our technology, ensuring compliance with national and international legislation
Our goal is to drive technical innovation to bring significant benefits to our customers in the petroleum industry and in the security tagging niches we serve.
Our promise to our customers is simple and clear: we can add value to your business by increasing revenue, decreasing costs and saving time by:
Improving process control and optimising overall asset performance
Determining the real time, on line conditions in a process system allowing operators to visualise flow and detect leaks, blockages or other problems
Investigating the integrity of critical plant units to avoid production losses, increasing throughput and averting environmental or safety incidents
Protect industrial products from fraudulent copying, counterfeiting or adulteration via use of our covert forensic tagging technology
Delivering training and advice on radiation protection and the operation and maintenance of our technology, ensuring compliance with national and international legislation
tuscan Hills Davenport Orlando Florida
Welcome to our beautiful, 3 bedroom villa which is situated at the highly desirable gated community of Tuscan Hills. The community facilities include a Mediterranean Style 2700 Sq. Ft. Clubhouse with Fitness Room, Child's Indoor Play Room, Games Room, Wi-Fi internet access, a Large Lounge and a Covered Lanai overlooking Tennis Court, Sand Volleyball Court, Tot Lot and Palm Garden.
Our single storey home is superbly furnished to a high standard and with three good sized bedrooms, would be ideal for a large family. Ideally located on the US 27, just one mile south of the US 192 and only a ten minute drive from the Interstate 4, giving you easy access to all of Orlando's main travelling routes. Walt Disney World can be reached in just 10 minutes, and the majority of the main attractions such as Universal, Seaworld and International drive with its numerous attractions can be reached in under 30 minutes. There are several quality golf courses just minutes away by car which cater for every level of golfer including Southern Dunes, Ridgewood Lakes and Champions Gate, plus over 20 more within a 20 mile radius.
Our villa comes complete with all the expected modern amenities including 3 large bedrooms, 2 bathrooms (1 en-suite), a fully fitted kitchen, air conditioning and heating throughout, a comfortable seating area, a large dining area and a private luxury screened southwest-facing pool and Spa which can be fully heated (charges apply).
You'll be able to relax around our large private 26 x 13 square foot southwest-facing pool, but should you wish to cool off, you can go inside the villa where all the rooms are kept at a cool and constant temperature. Alternately, just lie back and relax in our superb spa.
Our villa has a large living room with two large luxurious sofas and a comfortable armchair, allowing the whole family to sit down together at the end of an action packed day. French Patio doors give direct access to the pool deck as well as providing a great view out and lots of natural light in. There is also a cooling ceiling fan to ensure that the room stays cool as you relax.
The large modern fully fitted kitchen comes complete with every modern convenience, including a cooker, microwave, refrigerator/freezer/ice machine, dishwasher, toaster, kettle and coffee machine. There is a breakfast bar with enough seating for two people. If you need to do any laundry, you will find a large capacity washing machine, tumble drier, iron, and ironing board in the laundry cupboard. All bed linen and towels are provided for your needs.
The villa has a good sized dining area which is located at the rear of the villa, adjacent to the Living room and the Kitchen. It contains a large wooden table and six chairs, and is ideal for both formal and informal meals. As with the Living room, French Patio doors give direct access to the pool deck as well as providing a great view out and lots of natural light in. The villa contains three large bedrooms, allowing up to 6 adults to sleep comfortably. One of the bedrooms is a master suite and two are twins.
The luxurious master suite looks out over the rear of the villa and has a fabulous Queen sized bed, ceiling fan, hairdryer, and clock radio. There is also a fantastic en-suite bathroom which comes complete with a huge walk-in Shower, separate toilet, his 'n' hers basins and a large vanity mirror, whilst there is no shortage of storage space with a large walk-in closet.
The second and third bedrooms are located at the front of the villa and each have two single beds. Both rooms have ample storage space provided by large built-in closets and drawers. Both bedrooms have a 14" colour TV set and one has a PlayStation. The home's second bathroom is conveniently located directly in between these two bedrooms and contains a bath / shower unit and a hairdryer. All the bedding is provided and the beds are made with clean bedding before your arrival. Extra bedding is provided should you need it.
Our villa has its own private southwest facing 26 x 13 square foot Pool and Spa. Being southwest facing it has the added advantage over many other villas in that the whole pool area will be bathed in sunlight all day long. It is surrounded by a large extended paved patio and a covered lanai with a cooling ceiling fan should you prefer to sit in the shade. The deck is furnished with chairs,a table and beach beds which allow you to lie back,relax and enjoy the Florida sun.
If you find the pool is a little cool for your liking, it can be fully heated at an additional daily charge (recommended for October to March).The pool is serviced weekly so you can be sure it is clean and safe to swim in and there are pool toys to keep the children entertained.
For peace of mind should young children be staying at the villa, a pool safety fence is available which takes only minutes to put in place.
The villa has a telephone from which all local calls are free and all other calls can be paid for using most telephone cards (sold in most large retail stores).Wi-fi internet connection is available at the clubhouse.
Our Management Company in Florida maintains the villa to a very high standard both internally and externally. They will be available to sort out any problems during office hours and to deal with emergencies 24 hours a day. You will find a complete folder of information in the villa on your arrival. Available services include meet and greet at Orlando airport, Mid Stay Cleaning, Welcome Packs, BBQ'S, Cots and High Chairs. Details and prices of these services can be provided on application
Our single storey home is superbly furnished to a high standard and with three good sized bedrooms, would be ideal for a large family. Ideally located on the US 27, just one mile south of the US 192 and only a ten minute drive from the Interstate 4, giving you easy access to all of Orlando's main travelling routes. Walt Disney World can be reached in just 10 minutes, and the majority of the main attractions such as Universal, Seaworld and International drive with its numerous attractions can be reached in under 30 minutes. There are several quality golf courses just minutes away by car which cater for every level of golfer including Southern Dunes, Ridgewood Lakes and Champions Gate, plus over 20 more within a 20 mile radius.
Our villa comes complete with all the expected modern amenities including 3 large bedrooms, 2 bathrooms (1 en-suite), a fully fitted kitchen, air conditioning and heating throughout, a comfortable seating area, a large dining area and a private luxury screened southwest-facing pool and Spa which can be fully heated (charges apply).
You'll be able to relax around our large private 26 x 13 square foot southwest-facing pool, but should you wish to cool off, you can go inside the villa where all the rooms are kept at a cool and constant temperature. Alternately, just lie back and relax in our superb spa.
Our villa has a large living room with two large luxurious sofas and a comfortable armchair, allowing the whole family to sit down together at the end of an action packed day. French Patio doors give direct access to the pool deck as well as providing a great view out and lots of natural light in. There is also a cooling ceiling fan to ensure that the room stays cool as you relax.
The large modern fully fitted kitchen comes complete with every modern convenience, including a cooker, microwave, refrigerator/freezer/ice machine, dishwasher, toaster, kettle and coffee machine. There is a breakfast bar with enough seating for two people. If you need to do any laundry, you will find a large capacity washing machine, tumble drier, iron, and ironing board in the laundry cupboard. All bed linen and towels are provided for your needs.
The villa has a good sized dining area which is located at the rear of the villa, adjacent to the Living room and the Kitchen. It contains a large wooden table and six chairs, and is ideal for both formal and informal meals. As with the Living room, French Patio doors give direct access to the pool deck as well as providing a great view out and lots of natural light in. The villa contains three large bedrooms, allowing up to 6 adults to sleep comfortably. One of the bedrooms is a master suite and two are twins.
The luxurious master suite looks out over the rear of the villa and has a fabulous Queen sized bed, ceiling fan, hairdryer, and clock radio. There is also a fantastic en-suite bathroom which comes complete with a huge walk-in Shower, separate toilet, his 'n' hers basins and a large vanity mirror, whilst there is no shortage of storage space with a large walk-in closet.
The second and third bedrooms are located at the front of the villa and each have two single beds. Both rooms have ample storage space provided by large built-in closets and drawers. Both bedrooms have a 14" colour TV set and one has a PlayStation. The home's second bathroom is conveniently located directly in between these two bedrooms and contains a bath / shower unit and a hairdryer. All the bedding is provided and the beds are made with clean bedding before your arrival. Extra bedding is provided should you need it.
Our villa has its own private southwest facing 26 x 13 square foot Pool and Spa. Being southwest facing it has the added advantage over many other villas in that the whole pool area will be bathed in sunlight all day long. It is surrounded by a large extended paved patio and a covered lanai with a cooling ceiling fan should you prefer to sit in the shade. The deck is furnished with chairs,a table and beach beds which allow you to lie back,relax and enjoy the Florida sun.
If you find the pool is a little cool for your liking, it can be fully heated at an additional daily charge (recommended for October to March).The pool is serviced weekly so you can be sure it is clean and safe to swim in and there are pool toys to keep the children entertained.
For peace of mind should young children be staying at the villa, a pool safety fence is available which takes only minutes to put in place.
The villa has a telephone from which all local calls are free and all other calls can be paid for using most telephone cards (sold in most large retail stores).Wi-fi internet connection is available at the clubhouse.
Our Management Company in Florida maintains the villa to a very high standard both internally and externally. They will be available to sort out any problems during office hours and to deal with emergencies 24 hours a day. You will find a complete folder of information in the villa on your arrival. Available services include meet and greet at Orlando airport, Mid Stay Cleaning, Welcome Packs, BBQ'S, Cots and High Chairs. Details and prices of these services can be provided on application
28 Kasım 2010 Pazar
iComply forges ahead with the Australian Logistics Council
iComply announced today that the company had been appointed by the Australian Logistics Council as one of four compliance firms authorised to conduct audits against the ALC Retail Logistics Code of Conduct.
This appointment recognises iComply's professional accreditations, and its specialised experience in the transport industry.
The ALC Retail Logistics Code of Conduct was established in November 2006 by the Australian Logistics Council and key players within the transport and logistics industry.
The ten point Code of Conduct establishes a clear set of principles for freight logistics, involving the retailer, supplier, carrier and logistics provider, allowing the industry to respond in a coordinated way to help all involved across the retail supply chain operate under a national set of retail logistics supply chain industry standards.
Every transport business wishing to supply to the retail industry must adhere to the Code and undertake annual audits.
What we do
iComply is a leading provider of compliance audit software and compliance audit services to the public and private sector. Continually awarded for its innovation in software development, iComply combines technical excellence with over 50 years of professional experience to implement the best audit, compliance and risk management solutions for businesses worldwide.
Our background
iComply was formed in 2003 with the joining of two successful boutique compliance companies. The partnership brought together a unique combination of specialist audit services and state-of-the-art audit software to address the ever increasing regulations and legislation facing businesses today.
Based in Melbourne, Australia, iComply is now one of the world’s leading compliance consultancies with a team of highly qualified and accredited personnel. Recognised by Microsoft and the international software industry for their innovative solutions, iComply’s compliance software products and compliance audit services have become integral to the success of public and private organisations across the globe.
Our clients
iComply’s prestigious international client list speaks for itself. Ranging from multi-national corporations, government organisations and small cutting-edge businesses, our clients reflect the quality, flexibility and value of our services
This appointment recognises iComply's professional accreditations, and its specialised experience in the transport industry.
The ALC Retail Logistics Code of Conduct was established in November 2006 by the Australian Logistics Council and key players within the transport and logistics industry.
The ten point Code of Conduct establishes a clear set of principles for freight logistics, involving the retailer, supplier, carrier and logistics provider, allowing the industry to respond in a coordinated way to help all involved across the retail supply chain operate under a national set of retail logistics supply chain industry standards.
Every transport business wishing to supply to the retail industry must adhere to the Code and undertake annual audits.
What we do
iComply is a leading provider of compliance audit software and compliance audit services to the public and private sector. Continually awarded for its innovation in software development, iComply combines technical excellence with over 50 years of professional experience to implement the best audit, compliance and risk management solutions for businesses worldwide.
Our background
iComply was formed in 2003 with the joining of two successful boutique compliance companies. The partnership brought together a unique combination of specialist audit services and state-of-the-art audit software to address the ever increasing regulations and legislation facing businesses today.
Based in Melbourne, Australia, iComply is now one of the world’s leading compliance consultancies with a team of highly qualified and accredited personnel. Recognised by Microsoft and the international software industry for their innovative solutions, iComply’s compliance software products and compliance audit services have become integral to the success of public and private organisations across the globe.
Our clients
iComply’s prestigious international client list speaks for itself. Ranging from multi-national corporations, government organisations and small cutting-edge businesses, our clients reflect the quality, flexibility and value of our services
19 Kasım 2010 Cuma
Super Series™Vacuum Furnace SystemIt’s
super-precise and super-fast. TheT-M Vacuum Super Series vacuum furnace system is the high-vacuum,high-temperature technically advanced vacuum furnace to satisfy all yourheat-treating needs.Within its all- stainless steel chamber is a two cubic footwork zone capable of holding up to 200 pounds of material for tempering,austenitizing, hardening, stress relieving, brazing, sintering, bonding,annealing, and many other custom vacuum processes.With the standard three-zoneheat control package and electro-pneumatically operated Heat Pack door shieldassembly, a precision heating environment is created for perfect temperatureuniformity.The specially designed Hot Zone-to-chamber ratio enables thehigh-speed pumping system to reach high vacuum quicker,maximizing yourproductivity and quality with a cleaner work zone. With its inert gas on boardQuick Cool System, the metallurgical gas quench increases your cycle times byrapidly cooling the chamber and increasing your product output.The Super SeriesHMI software system can be configured with our controlled cooling,allows theuser to precisely control the cooling environment.The Super Series vacuumfurnace system can also be configured to accept multiple process gases. Once youhave determined your specific process parameters,the computerized control systemtakes over to completely automate the process and archive all system data. Anoperator needs only to load and unload the chamber and press the startbutton.The Super Series vacuum furnace system is a completely contained unitwith no exposed wires, cables or pumps.This saves you valuable factory floorspace, and keeps your unit clean and easy to maintain. System installation is assimple as connecting the unit to electric service and attaching gas,water andair lines. The Hot Zone is fully removable for service.If the Super Series workzone is not large enough for your application, please ask about our PACER SeriesVacuum Furnace System.Temperature Capabilities and Controllability 10 series1000°C (1832°F)13 series 1315°C (2400°F)14.5 series 1415°C (2650°F)16.5 series1650°C (3000°F)20 series 2000°C (3632°F)
+/- 1 degree controllability
+/- 2°C temperature uniformity*
SCR Power Supply regulation
3-zone heat
control with independent
PID loop control
Vacuum Pumping System
Standardpump down time*
To 0.1 Torr 7 minutes10-5
Torr Scale 15 minutesHigh-
VacuumValve: T-M 6" Right Angle Poppet Valve6" diffusion pump – net pumpingspeed:2,400 l/s42.2 cfm mechanical roughing & backing pump3.8 cfmmechanical hold pumpAvailable:Upgraded pumping systems – Mechanical,dry, diffusion, cryogenic, and turbo-molecularMolecular Sieve orMechanically refrigerated, optically-dense, cold trap in roughing line or liquidnitrogen cryo-trap in high-vacuum line (for prevention of hydrocarboncontamination)Inert Gas and Quick Cool System10 HP blower – 4,200 cfmfree air displacementGas/water heat exchanger18 vents directing QuickCool gas onto workloadIntegral with furnace chamber, no externally mountedcomponentsAvailable:Multiple-process gas capability
System ControlsThe “E” control system: full PC, PLC, and HMIsoftware control package will provide superior control, system analysis, recipemanagement, and data acquisition. With more than 14 user-friendly screensdisplayed on its 17" LCD flat panel touch screen, this state-of-the-art systemeliminates the need for separate programmers, controllers and messagedisplays.Over-temperature controlDigital vacuum displayCenter ofload thermocouple standardEmergency StopAvailable:Multiple-surveythermocouplesUninterrupted power supplies (UPS)Multiple-channel colorstrip chart recorderOperating Pressure RangeHigh-vacuum to 2-bar (higherpressures available)Working pressure at maximum temperature: high-vacuum to1 torr (higher pressures available)Capable of pressures between atmosphereand 2-bar (for Quick Cool use)6-bar availableHot ZoneConstructionUsable work zone 12" W x 12" H x 24" DUsable work zonevolume of 2 cubic feetWork load capacity 200 lbsRound,horizontally-mounted Hot Zone comprised of six (6) high temp/lowresistancemolybdenum 2" band heater elementsHeat shielding is composed of molybdenumlayers backed by stainless steel layersin stainless steel containment and anelectro-pneumatically operated Heat Pack door shield assemblyComplete HotZone is easily removable as a unit for fast maintenance and less downtimeMolybdenum hearth assembly is 12" W x 24"DAvailable:Graphite andtungsten heating elementsGraphite insulation in stainless steelcontainmentChamberAll-stainless steel construction including head-endclosure and water jacketingDual-wall chamber configuration designed to allowcomplete water-to-surface contactStainless steel dual-wall, water-cooleddoorWater cooling for power feed-thru is external to vacuum chamber,eliminating thepossibility of water leaking into the chamberSix clamp overcenter pneumatic clamp/locking doorWorking pressure: Full vacuum to 2-bar(6-bar available)Safety FeaturesAll T-M Vacuum Products, Inc. products areequipped with standard safety features toensure safe operation.Please consultT-M Vacuum Products, Inc. at (856) 829-2000 for availability and pricing ofthese or any other option requirements.*All times and pressures are for clean,dry, empty, out-gassed furnace, starting from ambient pressure and temperature,and may vary. Times and pressures subject to pump size and maximumtemperature
+/- 1 degree controllability
+/- 2°C temperature uniformity*
SCR Power Supply regulation
3-zone heat
control with independent
PID loop control
Vacuum Pumping System
Standardpump down time*
To 0.1 Torr 7 minutes10-5
Torr Scale 15 minutesHigh-
VacuumValve: T-M 6" Right Angle Poppet Valve6" diffusion pump – net pumpingspeed:2,400 l/s42.2 cfm mechanical roughing & backing pump3.8 cfmmechanical hold pumpAvailable:Upgraded pumping systems – Mechanical,dry, diffusion, cryogenic, and turbo-molecularMolecular Sieve orMechanically refrigerated, optically-dense, cold trap in roughing line or liquidnitrogen cryo-trap in high-vacuum line (for prevention of hydrocarboncontamination)Inert Gas and Quick Cool System10 HP blower – 4,200 cfmfree air displacementGas/water heat exchanger18 vents directing QuickCool gas onto workloadIntegral with furnace chamber, no externally mountedcomponentsAvailable:Multiple-process gas capability
System ControlsThe “E” control system: full PC, PLC, and HMIsoftware control package will provide superior control, system analysis, recipemanagement, and data acquisition. With more than 14 user-friendly screensdisplayed on its 17" LCD flat panel touch screen, this state-of-the-art systemeliminates the need for separate programmers, controllers and messagedisplays.Over-temperature controlDigital vacuum displayCenter ofload thermocouple standardEmergency StopAvailable:Multiple-surveythermocouplesUninterrupted power supplies (UPS)Multiple-channel colorstrip chart recorderOperating Pressure RangeHigh-vacuum to 2-bar (higherpressures available)Working pressure at maximum temperature: high-vacuum to1 torr (higher pressures available)Capable of pressures between atmosphereand 2-bar (for Quick Cool use)6-bar availableHot ZoneConstructionUsable work zone 12" W x 12" H x 24" DUsable work zonevolume of 2 cubic feetWork load capacity 200 lbsRound,horizontally-mounted Hot Zone comprised of six (6) high temp/lowresistancemolybdenum 2" band heater elementsHeat shielding is composed of molybdenumlayers backed by stainless steel layersin stainless steel containment and anelectro-pneumatically operated Heat Pack door shield assemblyComplete HotZone is easily removable as a unit for fast maintenance and less downtimeMolybdenum hearth assembly is 12" W x 24"DAvailable:Graphite andtungsten heating elementsGraphite insulation in stainless steelcontainmentChamberAll-stainless steel construction including head-endclosure and water jacketingDual-wall chamber configuration designed to allowcomplete water-to-surface contactStainless steel dual-wall, water-cooleddoorWater cooling for power feed-thru is external to vacuum chamber,eliminating thepossibility of water leaking into the chamberSix clamp overcenter pneumatic clamp/locking doorWorking pressure: Full vacuum to 2-bar(6-bar available)Safety FeaturesAll T-M Vacuum Products, Inc. products areequipped with standard safety features toensure safe operation.Please consultT-M Vacuum Products, Inc. at (856) 829-2000 for availability and pricing ofthese or any other option requirements.*All times and pressures are for clean,dry, empty, out-gassed furnace, starting from ambient pressure and temperature,and may vary. Times and pressures subject to pump size and maximumtemperature
11 Kasım 2010 Perşembe
Money Web
In een kort overzicht vind u hier de verschillende leenvormen. Voor de alle duidelijkheid staan hier de verschillen in het kort opgesomd.
RekenvoorbeeldDe familie De Vries wil een lening aanvragen voor de verbouwing van de badkamer. Voor deze verbouwing willen ze € 5000,00 lenen. De familie De Vries wil zekerheid wat betreft de maandelijkse rente en wil tussentijds geen geld meer opnemen. Ze kiezen daarom voor een persoonlijke lening.
Jan en Anita willen meer financiële bestedingsruimte. Tussentijds willen ze geld kunnen opnemen. Wanneer er meer geld beschikbaar is, willen ze ook de mogelijkheid hebben om meer af te lossen. Ze kiezen voor een doorlopend krediet.
Lening vormen
Doorlopend kredietWat is een doorlopend krediet?Een doorlopend krediet is er om over langere periode meer bestedingsruimte te hebben. U mag steeds geld opnemen tot aan de kredietlimiet, maar u mag ook minder opnemen.
Tussentijds mag er altijd zonder boete worden afgelost. Dit krediet is handig wanneer u nog niet exact weet hoeveel geld u nodig heeft of wanneer u het geld nodig heeft. U betaald elke maand een vast bedrag aan rente en aflossing.
Voordelen:- Alleen rente betalen over het opgenomen bedrag- Tussentijds extra geld aflossen (boetevrij)- Meestal een eigen bankpas
Oversluiten van een doorlopend krediet:U heeft een lening of misschien wel meerdere leningen lopen. Het is dan vaak voordeliger om uw huidige krediet(en) over te sluiten. In plaats van verschillende afschriften, komt alles dan op één handig overzicht.
Tussentijds een extra krediet afsluiten:Wanneer u geen achterstand hebt opgelopen met betalen en uw financiële situatie laat het toe, is het mogelijk om een nieuwe lening af te sluiten voordat de vorige is afgelopen. Een deel van het bedrag dat u leent, wordt dan gebruikt voor de aflossing van de vorige overeenkomst(en).
Verhogen doorlopend kredietHet kan voorkomen dat naast uw doorlopend krediet nog behoefte is aan een extra financiële reserve. U kunt er dan voor kiezen om het bestaande krediet open te breken en vervolgens uw krediet te verhogen.
Persoonlijke lening
Wat is een persoonlijke leningBij de persoonlijke lening krijgt u in één keer de beschikking over het geleende bedrag. Wanneer u een persoonlijke lening afsluit, weet u precies wanneer de lening eindigt. U spreekt namelijk van tevoren een looptijd af. Zo spreekt u bij een persoonlijk krediet eenmalig een leenbedrag en een looptijd af. U krijgt dit bedrag in één keer op uw rekening gestort. Vervolgens betaald u maandelijks een vast bedrag aan rente en aflossing. In tijden van rentestijgingen biedt een persoonlijk krediet u zekerheid, want uw rente blijft ongewijzigd! Zo weet u precies waar u aan toe bent.Bent u van plan een nieuwe auto of caravan te kopen? Of wordt het tijd voor nieuwe meubels? Wellicht heeft u hiervoor gespaard, maar is het genoeg? Wanneer u extra geld nodig heeft, maar graag overzicht houdt in uw financiën, is een persoonlijke lening voor u een oplossing!
Voordelen:- Uitbetaling direct ineens- Vast rentepercentage- Vast maandbedrag- Vaste looptijd
Vaste renteWanneer de rente stijgt is een persoonlijke lening ideaal. Mocht de rente stijgen, dan heeft dit geen enkele invloed op de persoonlijke lening. Deze rente blijft ongewijzigd.
Stel u koopt een auto. Bij een persoonlijke lening spreekt u van tevoren af wat de looptijd van de lening is. U kunt deze lening bijvoorbeeld afstemmen op de levensduur van uw auto. Hierdoor voorkomt u dat de auto al is afgeschreven, maar u nog steeds moet betalen aan uw persoonlijke lening.
Een spaarkrediet is een doorlopend krediet, gekoppeld aan een kapitaalverzekering.
Doorgaans betaald u voor een doorlopend krediet maandelijks een bedrag aan rente en aflossing. Bij een spaarkrediet betaald u echter alleen rente, die wordt berekend over het bedrag dat u heeft opgenomen. Gedurende de gehele looptijd kunt u tot uw kredietlimiet bedragen blijven opnemen.Daarnaast betaald u een maandelijkse premie voor een kapitaalverzekering.Met deze verzekering kunt u een kapitaal opbouwen om de lening af te lossen.Dit gebeurt met een kapitaalverzekering bij een gerenommeerde verzekeringsmaatschappij. De uitkering is gelijk aan de eindwaarde van de participaties en dus afhankelijk van de koersontwikkeling.
Een rentekrediet is een leenvorm voor particulieren die veel lijkt op een doorlopend krediet. Het grootste verschil is dat men bij een rentekrediet niet verplicht wordt om maandelijks af te lossen. Daardoor is het rentekrediet de leenvorm met de laagste maandlast. Deze leenvorm wordt ook vaak gebruikt om geld achter de hand te hebben, zoals bij een verbouwing of restauratie van bijvoorbeeld een oldtimer of ander duur verzamelobject. De looptijd van een rentekrediet is in principe oneindig. U lost immers niets af en betaald alleen rente. Ingezetenen van Nederland van 18 tot 65 jaar met een vast inkomen, wat niet mag bestaan uit een uitkering van de sociale dienst of de WW, kunnen in aanmerking komen voor een rentekrediet.
Moneyweb.nl is in het leven geroepen om als bemiddelaar in geldkredieten informatie te geven aan consumenten op het gebied van hypotheken en leningen. Hierbij wil Moneyweb.nl de consument helpen juiste en verantwoorde keuzes te maken bij het afsluiten van een lening of hypotheek.
Wij worden beloond door aanbieders op basis van doorlopende provisie voor wat betreft consumptief krediet en uit een mix van afsluit- en doorlopende provisie betreffende hypotheken en verzekeringsproducten. Bij eventuele klachten kunt u ons een brief sturen ter attentie van de Directie. Voor onverhoopte geschillen zijn wij aangesloten bij Klachteninstituut Financiële Dienstverlening.Moneyweb in English
In een kort overzicht vind u hier de verschillende leenvormen. Voor de alle duidelijkheid staan hier de verschillen in het kort opgesomd.
RekenvoorbeeldDe familie De Vries wil een lening aanvragen voor de verbouwing van de badkamer. Voor deze verbouwing willen ze € 5000,00 lenen. De familie De Vries wil zekerheid wat betreft de maandelijkse rente en wil tussentijds geen geld meer opnemen. Ze kiezen daarom voor een persoonlijke lening.
Jan en Anita willen meer financiële bestedingsruimte. Tussentijds willen ze geld kunnen opnemen. Wanneer er meer geld beschikbaar is, willen ze ook de mogelijkheid hebben om meer af te lossen. Ze kiezen voor een doorlopend krediet.
Lening vormen
Doorlopend kredietWat is een doorlopend krediet?Een doorlopend krediet is er om over langere periode meer bestedingsruimte te hebben. U mag steeds geld opnemen tot aan de kredietlimiet, maar u mag ook minder opnemen.
Tussentijds mag er altijd zonder boete worden afgelost. Dit krediet is handig wanneer u nog niet exact weet hoeveel geld u nodig heeft of wanneer u het geld nodig heeft. U betaald elke maand een vast bedrag aan rente en aflossing.
Voordelen:- Alleen rente betalen over het opgenomen bedrag- Tussentijds extra geld aflossen (boetevrij)- Meestal een eigen bankpas
Oversluiten van een doorlopend krediet:U heeft een lening of misschien wel meerdere leningen lopen. Het is dan vaak voordeliger om uw huidige krediet(en) over te sluiten. In plaats van verschillende afschriften, komt alles dan op één handig overzicht.
Tussentijds een extra krediet afsluiten:Wanneer u geen achterstand hebt opgelopen met betalen en uw financiële situatie laat het toe, is het mogelijk om een nieuwe lening af te sluiten voordat de vorige is afgelopen. Een deel van het bedrag dat u leent, wordt dan gebruikt voor de aflossing van de vorige overeenkomst(en).
Verhogen doorlopend kredietHet kan voorkomen dat naast uw doorlopend krediet nog behoefte is aan een extra financiële reserve. U kunt er dan voor kiezen om het bestaande krediet open te breken en vervolgens uw krediet te verhogen.
Persoonlijke lening
Wat is een persoonlijke leningBij de persoonlijke lening krijgt u in één keer de beschikking over het geleende bedrag. Wanneer u een persoonlijke lening afsluit, weet u precies wanneer de lening eindigt. U spreekt namelijk van tevoren een looptijd af. Zo spreekt u bij een persoonlijk krediet eenmalig een leenbedrag en een looptijd af. U krijgt dit bedrag in één keer op uw rekening gestort. Vervolgens betaald u maandelijks een vast bedrag aan rente en aflossing. In tijden van rentestijgingen biedt een persoonlijk krediet u zekerheid, want uw rente blijft ongewijzigd! Zo weet u precies waar u aan toe bent.Bent u van plan een nieuwe auto of caravan te kopen? Of wordt het tijd voor nieuwe meubels? Wellicht heeft u hiervoor gespaard, maar is het genoeg? Wanneer u extra geld nodig heeft, maar graag overzicht houdt in uw financiën, is een persoonlijke lening voor u een oplossing!
Voordelen:- Uitbetaling direct ineens- Vast rentepercentage- Vast maandbedrag- Vaste looptijd
Vaste renteWanneer de rente stijgt is een persoonlijke lening ideaal. Mocht de rente stijgen, dan heeft dit geen enkele invloed op de persoonlijke lening. Deze rente blijft ongewijzigd.
Stel u koopt een auto. Bij een persoonlijke lening spreekt u van tevoren af wat de looptijd van de lening is. U kunt deze lening bijvoorbeeld afstemmen op de levensduur van uw auto. Hierdoor voorkomt u dat de auto al is afgeschreven, maar u nog steeds moet betalen aan uw persoonlijke lening.
Een spaarkrediet is een doorlopend krediet, gekoppeld aan een kapitaalverzekering.
Doorgaans betaald u voor een doorlopend krediet maandelijks een bedrag aan rente en aflossing. Bij een spaarkrediet betaald u echter alleen rente, die wordt berekend over het bedrag dat u heeft opgenomen. Gedurende de gehele looptijd kunt u tot uw kredietlimiet bedragen blijven opnemen.Daarnaast betaald u een maandelijkse premie voor een kapitaalverzekering.Met deze verzekering kunt u een kapitaal opbouwen om de lening af te lossen.Dit gebeurt met een kapitaalverzekering bij een gerenommeerde verzekeringsmaatschappij. De uitkering is gelijk aan de eindwaarde van de participaties en dus afhankelijk van de koersontwikkeling.
Een rentekrediet is een leenvorm voor particulieren die veel lijkt op een doorlopend krediet. Het grootste verschil is dat men bij een rentekrediet niet verplicht wordt om maandelijks af te lossen. Daardoor is het rentekrediet de leenvorm met de laagste maandlast. Deze leenvorm wordt ook vaak gebruikt om geld achter de hand te hebben, zoals bij een verbouwing of restauratie van bijvoorbeeld een oldtimer of ander duur verzamelobject. De looptijd van een rentekrediet is in principe oneindig. U lost immers niets af en betaald alleen rente. Ingezetenen van Nederland van 18 tot 65 jaar met een vast inkomen, wat niet mag bestaan uit een uitkering van de sociale dienst of de WW, kunnen in aanmerking komen voor een rentekrediet.
Moneyweb.nl is in het leven geroepen om als bemiddelaar in geldkredieten informatie te geven aan consumenten op het gebied van hypotheken en leningen. Hierbij wil Moneyweb.nl de consument helpen juiste en verantwoorde keuzes te maken bij het afsluiten van een lening of hypotheek.
Wij worden beloond door aanbieders op basis van doorlopende provisie voor wat betreft consumptief krediet en uit een mix van afsluit- en doorlopende provisie betreffende hypotheken en verzekeringsproducten. Bij eventuele klachten kunt u ons een brief sturen ter attentie van de Directie. Voor onverhoopte geschillen zijn wij aangesloten bij Klachteninstituut Financiële Dienstverlening.Moneyweb in English
Biomedical Sample Handling
Multi-axis X-Y linear motorized positioning stage
ABTech inc's Mini X-Y Linear Motor stage combines Copley Controls, Thrust Tube "Micro" series linear motors with non-contact linear encoders and precision mechanical guideway bearings to produce a unique lightweight, low mass and low profile, linear motor positioning stage.
This design incorporates the linear motors coil (forcer) as the stages workholding carriage while the linear mechanical guideway bearings provide load support, travel straightness and orthogonality for accurate positioning and repeatability.
The Thrust Tube linear motors are electrically identical to conventional brushless DC motors making them compatible to most third party brushless drives.
These mini X-Y stages are ideally suited for pick-and-place or point-to-point positioning applications such as biomedical sample handling or inspection.
ABTech's modular design approach and full engineering services can respond quickly to provide a solution to your O.E.M. needs for ultra-precision linear motion.

This design incorporates the linear motors coil (forcer) as the stages workholding carriage while the linear mechanical guideway bearings provide load support, travel straightness and orthogonality for accurate positioning and repeatability.
The Thrust Tube linear motors are electrically identical to conventional brushless DC motors making them compatible to most third party brushless drives.
These mini X-Y stages are ideally suited for pick-and-place or point-to-point positioning applications such as biomedical sample handling or inspection.
ABTech's modular design approach and full engineering services can respond quickly to provide a solution to your O.E.M. needs for ultra-precision linear motion.
- Thrust Tube "Micro" series brushless DC linear motors
- Precision linear mechanical guideway bearings
- Non-contact linear encoders
- Position accuracy & repeatability: ±0.000080" (±2.0µm)
- Motor drive amplifiers
- Motion controllers
- Custom bases
- Complete turn-key systems
- Modular design
3 Kasım 2010 Çarşamba
Oxidizer Service
Combustion Controls Solutions & Environmental Services was founded in 1995 with over 5,000 projects completed today. We are first and foremost engineers. So when a problem arises in your oxidizer system, CCS&ES doesn't just treat the symptoms; we engineer long-lasting solutions. Whether that means responding to shutdown or installing a new or rebuilt unit into an existing process, we are dedicated to developing and implementing the optimum engineering solution.All projects begin with a thorough engineering evaluation, followed closely by a project proposal custom tailored to encompass the concerns of your business. Upon completion of your project CCS&ES will provide detailed follow-up documentation for your future reference, including drawings and technical information specific to your project.CCS&ES incorporates the latest oxidizer technology, next-generation products, and state-of-the-art installation techniques into every engineering project we undertake. Our expertise and attention to detail guarantee project success.


30 Ekim 2010 Cumartesi
CDM Electronics
CDM Electronics is a certified small business, CCR# 42827, founded in 1993, CDM Electronics' mission is to provide our customers with exceptional interconnect products and value added services that meet or exceed our customers' expectations. We welcome the chance to design a creative solution to the most challenging issues.
Our ProductsCDM Electronics is a NEDA Authorized Supplier for electronic connectors, coaxial cables and other interconnect products. This assures you that you are receiving factory new and approved products. With today's ever changing business climate, particularly in light of RoHS initiatives which transpired in July 2006, it is imperative that your applications perform to specification and in compliance with environmental and other government regulations. For those applications not requiring RoHS compliance, there are still several performance and reliability factors that are compromised when superior products are not deployed. Choose CDM for all of your interconnect sourcing requirements and you are guaranteed excellent products with on time deliveries.
Our ServicesIn 1999, CDM management recognized that customers wanted access to thousands of parts in stock ready for same day shipment. But this only represented half of our customers' needs. So we embarked upon a program to expand our offering into the arena of cable assembly and value added programs. Since that time, CDM has experienced explosive growth and now provides a host of value added services, from "womb to tomb". We provide quick turn engineering and cable assembly services for prime contractors, as well as 2nd and 3rd tier providers. Our satisfied customer list includes Northrop Grumman, BAE, General Dynamics, and all branches of the United States military: Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines.
CDM credits our great staff, especially our brilliant engineering team, with our enormous success in this area.
Proactive Cost Reduction Program™ Process improvement and cost-saving solutions are as important to us as they are to you. Our "Proactive Cost Reduction Program" is a trademarked initiative created by CDM Electronics to constantly create cost-saving solutions for our customers.
Our PeopleFrom Reception to Shipping, CDM Electronics is proud to have the most loyal & dedicated employees. But it takes more than just our own employees to make our company great. We rely heavily on the expertise of several of our providers, especially our web designers:
Our ProductsCDM Electronics is a NEDA Authorized Supplier for electronic connectors, coaxial cables and other interconnect products. This assures you that you are receiving factory new and approved products. With today's ever changing business climate, particularly in light of RoHS initiatives which transpired in July 2006, it is imperative that your applications perform to specification and in compliance with environmental and other government regulations. For those applications not requiring RoHS compliance, there are still several performance and reliability factors that are compromised when superior products are not deployed. Choose CDM for all of your interconnect sourcing requirements and you are guaranteed excellent products with on time deliveries.
Our ServicesIn 1999, CDM management recognized that customers wanted access to thousands of parts in stock ready for same day shipment. But this only represented half of our customers' needs. So we embarked upon a program to expand our offering into the arena of cable assembly and value added programs. Since that time, CDM has experienced explosive growth and now provides a host of value added services, from "womb to tomb". We provide quick turn engineering and cable assembly services for prime contractors, as well as 2nd and 3rd tier providers. Our satisfied customer list includes Northrop Grumman, BAE, General Dynamics, and all branches of the United States military: Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines.
CDM credits our great staff, especially our brilliant engineering team, with our enormous success in this area.
Proactive Cost Reduction Program™ Process improvement and cost-saving solutions are as important to us as they are to you. Our "Proactive Cost Reduction Program" is a trademarked initiative created by CDM Electronics to constantly create cost-saving solutions for our customers.
Our PeopleFrom Reception to Shipping, CDM Electronics is proud to have the most loyal & dedicated employees. But it takes more than just our own employees to make our company great. We rely heavily on the expertise of several of our providers, especially our web designers:
25 Ekim 2010 Pazartesi
Paxil Birth Defects
Risk of Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn from SSRI Antidepressants
Persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN) is a rare and sometimes fatal disease that has been associated with maternal antidepressant use during pregnancy. Babies with PPHN have extremely high pressure in their lung blood vessels and are not able to get enough oxygen into their bloodstream. PPHN is a life-threatening disease that requires immediate treatment.Background on SSRI Antidepressants Dangers and Pregnancy
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or SSRIs are the most common medications used to treat depression, anxiety, and certain personality disorders because of their efficacy and safety profiles. They include drugs like Celexa, Lexapro, Prozac, Fluvoxamine, Paxil, Zoloft, and Symbyax.However, the safety of SSRIs is compromised when taken by pregnant women because SSRIs can cross the placenta and enter the fetal bloodstream. SSRIs have been associated with neonatal complications such as neonatal abstinence syndrome from experiencing withdrawal of the drug, and persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN).
In December 2005, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued a warning stating that exposure to paroxetine (the generic name for Paxil) in the first trimester of pregnancy may increase the risk for congenital malformations, particularly cardiac malformations.
An earlier study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, found an increased risk of persistent pulmonary hypertension (PPHN) in babies of mothers who used certain commonly prescribed antidepressants in late pregnancy. Other studies awaiting final publication have shown a 2-fold increased risk of having a baby with a heart defect for mothers who used Paxil early in their pregnancy.
Medical experts report that paroxetine exposure is especially harmful in the first trimester because fetal heart development occurs early in pregnancy. The most critical period in development is between three and seven weeks after fertilization, when a heart tube assumes the shape of a 4-chambered heart.
Paxil Birth Defect Lawsuits: Update
Hundreds of parents of PPHN babies that were exposed to Paxil in the womb, have filed personal injury suits against GlaxoSmithKline, the manufacturer of Paxil.On October 13, 2009, in the first Paxil birth defect case to go to verdict, Pennsylvania jurors found that GlaxoSmithKline "negligently failed to warn" the doctor treating the mother about Paxil's risks, concluding Paxil was a "factual cause" of the child's heart defects. The drug maker must pay $2.5 million in compensatory damages over claims claims that GlaxoSmithKline knew Paxil caused birth defects and hid the risk to increase profits.
Your Legal Rights Explained
Parents of a baby with pulmonary hypertension, heart injuries or other birth defects whose mother took SSRI anti-depressant drugs while pregnant are welcome to contact our law firm to learn about your rights. You may be eligible to file a claim against the manufacturer of the anti-depressant drug prescribed during pregnancy to obtain compensation for the injury inflicted on your baby.We have successfully represented scores of patients across America suffering from pulmonary hypertension and other serious medical conditions caused by dangerous prescription drugs in product liability litigation.
Contact Lieff Cabraser
Parents of a baby with pulmonary hypertension or heart defects may be eligible to file a claim against the manufacturer of antidepressant drugs prescribed during pregnancy. Please click here to contact a personal injury attorney at Lieff Cabraser to discuss your legal rights at no cost or obligation. We will handle all inquiries with the strictest confidentiality and sensitivity.Alternatively, you may call us toll-free at 1-800-541-7358 and ask to speak to attorney Heather Foster. We also welcome inquiries from counsel considering referring a case. Lieff Cabraser has strong relations with the plaintiffs' bar across the U.S.
Trademark Information
Paxil is a trademark of GlaxoSmithKline. The image is a representation of a Paxil prescription bottle used strictly for informational purposes and for which Lieff Cabraser does not claim ownership.As technology makes life richer and easier, we leave a trail of information that is susceptible to prying eyesWithin the next four months, a major Bay Area supermarket chain plans to introduce a payment system that uses biometric fingerprint authentication to verify customers' identities. Under this system, shoppers in checkout lines won't need to use cash, checks, debit cards or credit cards. Instead, they can place their fingers on scanners that read fingerprints, and once the device links to their bank or credit card accounts, they can buy groceries, get cash back and do everything else shoppers do.ImagesView Larger Images--------------------------------------------------------------------------------More OpinionClinton first looks east 02.21.09Terrorism as a crime 02.21.09Past the point of no return 02.20.09The end of a budget battle 02.20.09<_script><_script>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------[Podcast: Insight Editor Jim Finefrock and reporter Jonathan Curiel talk about how Americans might as well face up the fact that there is little privacy left.]The system is already used in cities around the United States, including Portland, Ore., and Chicago, where one shopper says it has changed his life for the better. Linc Thelen, a 37-year-old interior designer, says the fingerprint system -- known commercially as Pay By Touch -- is convenient to use and expedites his way through grocery lines at Jewel-Osco, where he shops. Thelen says the system lets people leave their wallets behind, so they don't have to worry about being robbed or losing their credit cards."I had no reservation," Thelen said in a phone interview. "It's a safe way to store information."But no system is 100 percent foolproof.Despite the fact that armed men guard the computers that store the customers' virtual fingerprints, despite the fact that Bank of America's former security chief now heads Pay By Touch's security division, and despite the fact that Pay By Touch hires people to try to expose vulnerabilities in its computer system (so those vulnerabilities can be eliminated), Pay By Touch President John Morris acknowledges that "it's not impossible" for computer hackers to figure out how to tamper with its information.And therein lies one of the 21st century's most vexing problems: More and more of our personal data are captured and stored by corporate and government interests, and are potentially available to anyone with the technological, legal or financial means to access that information.Whether it's phone calls we make, library books we check out, CDs we buy on the Internet or divorces we finalize in court, we leave a trail of information that becomes susceptible to prying eyes. For the price of a bus pass, you can pay a company to supply anyone's address, phone number, political affiliation, estimated income and property history. For $20 more, you can find out if that person is married or divorced, has a criminal record, and what sort of jobs he or she has worked.Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., says she will introduce a "privacy bill of rights" because identity theft and security failures of personal records have become "one of the most important issues facing us as individuals and as a nation."The availability of personal information -- downloadable onto laptop computers, which are increasingly being fitted with fingerprint technology -- is changing the culture in ways that may seem trivial but are really benchmarks for a new society already in its formative stages.A small example: Unbeknownst to the men who date her, Judy runs background checks on all of them, using a private investigator to dig out any "red flags" that would presage troubling behavior. A businesswoman in Southern California, Judy, 50, uses a company called DateSmart, whose client base has boomed in the past five years as more people confront the perils of online dating."I'm glad the information is out there," says Judy, who did not want her last name used because of concerns her suitors would read this article. "The men I'm talking to online are complete strangers. And I have absolutely no knowledge of their character other than what they're saying in their profiles. I need to feel comfortable knowing that they're not an ax murderer. The people you meet might be well dressed, but you never know if they have any criminal history. It's for (my) safety."Background checks are nothing new. What's changed are the speed with which you can obtain them, their relatively small price (some companies advertise free checks) and their growing public acceptance. The information revolution has transformed the background check into a common and casual tool, and those being scrutinized probably don't have a clue. More obvious are the security cameras embedded in nearly every major American city, including New York, Milwaukee, Chicago, Atlanta, Los Angeles and, yes, San Francisco, where lenses record people's activities in such crime-ridden neighborhoods as Bayview-Hunters Point and the Western Addition. The spread of these cameras is championed by authorities, who say it reduces criminal activity, and criticized by the ACLU, which says the equipment is an unnecessary intrusion into public spaces.Civil liberties groups have joined the widespread outcry against the government's monitoring of Americans' phone-call records. Two weeks ago in federal court, the ACLU challenged the legal rationale behind the National Security Agency program, arguing that the NSA's actions -- involving "data mining" of records provided by AT&T and other telephone companies -- violate Americans' rights to free speech and privacy as guaranteed under the First and Fourth Amendments. Last week, privacy experts raised questions about the U.S. government's monitoring of international bank transfers -- previously secret data surveillance officials say is justified by the fight against terrorism.Americans' rights to privacy will be tested even more in the next few years as biometric technology creeps increasingly into everyday arenas. For example, on the campus of UC San Diego, biometric experts are testing a soda machine that uses both fingerprint and face-recognition technology. The machine is in a lounge for grad students in UC San Diego's computer science building."The students are very excited about getting it working," Serge Belongie, a UC San Diego associate professor of computer science, says in a phone interview. "People think it's very cool. ... No one uses money. They have accounts. What would be fun is if (the machine) recognizes you and says, 'Would you like your usual?' "If UC San Diego students are reluctant to use the machine, their privacy concerns are outweighed by convenience -- a sentiment echoed in survey after survey on biometric technology. In March, Unisys Corp. released a report on public perception of "identity management" that said convenience and efficiency were the two biggest reasons consumers would use biometric technology. (The most preferred biometric methods are fingerprints and voice recognition, according to the survey. The least preferred, because of its perceived intrusiveness, is an iris or eye scan.)Two of the biggest turnoffs for those who shun biometric technology: suspicion of how the technology works and loss of privacy. Among respondents from North America, just 56 percent said they'd be willing to share their fingerprint with a government organization such as a post office or tax authority. Among respondents from the Asia-Pacific region, 71 percent said they'd share their fingerprint with the government."As consumer confidence grows in the large-scale usage of (biometric technology) and standards are more generally comfortably adopted, you're going to see a pretty rapid migration" to it, says Mark Cohn, Unisys vice president for homeland security solutions.Cohn, a principal architect of the Department of Homeland Security's US-VISIT Exit system, which uses fingerprint technology to run background checks on visa applicants and verify their entry to and arrival from the United States, says Malaysia offers a preview of how the United States may change in the coming years.Since 2001, the Malay government has issued a biometric "multipurpose card" to Malaysians 12 years and older. The card, which features a thumbprint and photograph, acts as a passport, driver's license, ATM card, toll and parking pass, and medical record that lists blood type and any allergies.The card is convenient to use -- but it's a nightmare for Malaysians who lose it or have it stolen. Crime syndicates in Malaysia have altered cards with different photographs and used them to give members new identities, though the Malay government insists these identity thieves can't access the original cardholders' personal information. Special chip technology and other password features prevent this, they say. Also, the cardholder's fingerprint -- rather than being visible on the card -- is encrypted in the card itself: To reveal the fingerprint, the card must be inserted into a special biometric device that compares the encrypted print with that of the person claiming to be the cardholder.For anyone who has read Orwell's "Nineteen Eighty-Four," where "telescreens" keep track of people's lives, this new biometric technology will seem like fiction come to life. It's showing up everywhere. By the end of this year, U.S. passport agencies hope to issue "electronic passports" with computer chips that have digital photos of the holders. With the help of face-recognition machines, airport security can compare a photo with the face of the passport holder. For two years, an American corporation, VeriChip, has sold government-approved electronic chips that are inserted under people's skin to give doctors instant access to patients' medical histories.In 2008, as mandated by the Real ID Act, states plan to issue driver's licenses linked to a database that includes each license holder's photo and Social Security number. These licenses (civil liberties groups call them national identity cards) will likely include a biometric photo of the driver accessible by authorities.In the meantime, banks are considering using iris scans and even palm scans at ATMs in an effort to cut down on fraud. (In 1999, Bank United in Texas adopted iris-scan technology at three of its ATMs in a test that was discontinued when Washington Mutual took over the bank.)Some people love the new technology. Others shun it.Pay By Touch admits it has encountered some resistance among shoppers it approached in supermarkets that already use the company's fingerprint service. But Morris, its president, says many of these customers are quickly won over by the convenience of Pay By Touch, which is free for consumers, and that the company keeps data points based on users' fingerprints, not actual fingerprints. So far, supermarkets in 40 states use the Pay By Touch system.Pay By Touch, which is based in San Francisco, wouldn't say which Bay Area supermarket chain will start using its fingerprint system in the next four months -- only that the chain will use the system in just a handful of its Bay Area stores. Pay By Touch users sign up voluntarily and are under no obligation to use it at the checkout line.Pay By Touch says it takes great care to safeguard its users' data. After fingerprints are converted into algorithms, they're encrypted, then stored in IBM computers. Those algorithms can't be reconverted into an exact copy of the fingerprint, though Pay By Touch may eventually store users' actual fingerprints if the technology improves, Morris says. The company insists it will never sell users' personal information or fingerprints to anyone else -- a pledge that's backed up in writing when users sign up with the company. But what if federal authorities, citing national security, insist on the finger scan and payment history of a Pay By Touch user?Pam Dixon, who heads the World Privacy Forum, a public research group, went to Chicago to warn potential Pay By Touch users about possible dangers."It didn't stick," she says. "People were (more) concerned with (convenience than) the potential risks. People can put their thumb on a pad and be done with it. But meanwhile, their biometric data is sitting with another company, a third party, that's subject to subpoena. One argument that I made: Let's say that every supermarket in the country, particularly the large chains, (use) a biometric payment system. It's a law enforcement dream because who needs a biometric database run by the U.S. government when you've got one being run by private companies?"Citing the recent disclosure by the Veterans Administration, which said a computer with credit information on millions of veterans had been stolen, Dixon says, "The second issue is information security. If the VA can't keep its records secure, which is a government agency that has all sorts of strict controls that are supposed to be in place, how on Earth can a private company without the resources of something like the VA manage to keep something secure? When we have a credit card stolen, we can call the credit card company and say, 'Give me a new number.' But you can't do that with your biometric. You can't say, 'Give me a new fingerprint.' "Morris dismisses such concerns, saying that Pay By Touch will actually decrease the likelihood that consumers' credit information is stolen or misappropriated. "I think (Pay By Touch users) get pretty rapidly that it's the ultimate way to secure their private data," he says. "It connects (their accounts) to something that's uniquely them, as opposed to handing a credit card over to a stranger or writing a personal check that seven or eight humans touch before it gets in their statement. Securing information by a biometric is a giant leap forward. (Users) like that they don't have to pull their card out anymore. They (tell us they) like that they don't have to carry their (purses or wallets) through the parking lot of an urban supermarket. There's a physical security benefit. Their numbers are never displayed. The safety of securing their data is the No. 1 thing they like."The marketplace will determine whether the public is ready to accept commercial fingerprint identification. Investors in Pay By Touch believe that day is here, capitalizing the company with $190 million in the past 12 months. More than 2.5 million shoppers already use the Pay By Touch system. Morris envisions a day when all stores -- even mom-and-pop ones -- offer a Pay By Touch option.Soon, customers will be able to use Pay By Touch from home with the help of fingerprint readers attached to their computers. In ancient China, rulers would put their fingerprints on documents to give them an official seal. Artists would also mark their work with prints. It wasn't until the late 1800s that authorities realized they could use fingerprints to catch criminals. Their evolution as a way to pay for groceries is a 21st century twist fueled by technology. It's also a trade-off between privacy and convenience. Welcome to the brave new world in Aisle 5.
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